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Stanley J. Farmer:
We Called Him Co
Author Jerry (Gerald) H. Summers
ISBN 978-1-935186-92-2
Publisher Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc.
Description 6" x 9" softcover; 208 pages on archival paper; 175 photographs; $21.95
All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, a 501(c)(3) charity, to support the Stanley J. Farmer Scholarship.
Availability August 2017
Order from Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga (CFGC) - Central Stan Farmer Scholarship Fund
1270 Market St. Chattanooga, TN 37402
- or -
c/o Jerry Summers - Summers, Rufalo & Rogers
75 Broad Street, Suite 800
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Covers the life of Stanley J. Farmer from his birth on February 13,1913, to his death on September 18, 1996. Tells of his athletic and coaching career, military service in WWII and his 31 year tenure at Central High School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, as coach, teacher, and principal. 175 illustrations.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017911549

Cover, Type and Design by Karen Paul Stone

SPO061020 SPORTS & RECREATION / Coaching / Football
HIS036120 HISTORY / United States / State & Local / South







What others are saying:

  • Only Jerry Summers could tell this tale so beautifully. As one who was deeply influenced by a "Coach" in high school, Jerry Summers' priceless portrait of Stan Farmer meant more to me than most, and I am blessed by that. Stan Farmer did far more than educate, coach or make a way for Central students. His was a rich, abiding love for all people - he adored it when integration turned black and white athletes into the same shade of purple. Thanks to my friend Jerry for telling this legend's story and kindling the hope somewhere another coach may influence the next generation of "us."
    ~ Roy Exum, Chattanoogan.com writer and former Sports Editor, Chattanooga News-Free Press
  • Although I did not get to meet Stan Farmer officially, I feel like after reading Stanley J. Farmer: We Called Him Coach, that I have gotten personally introduced to him and actually now feel like I know him. This book is a great and fun read! If you love Central, then it is a MUST read, but if you love and care about young people, then it should not be missed. Coach Farmer's life was a model of what it means to "pay it forward."
    ~ Finley King, Principal, Central High School, Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Coach Stan Farmer reminded me of my own high school coach in West Virginia. He was very shrewd and smart and had a way about him that made you know he cared about people and he cared about you. Jerry Summers has written a very passionate book about Coach Farmer that reflects how much he cared about Coach Farmer, the man and the coach. I love the title "We Called Him Coach," but the truth is that he was way more than that to so many young people.
    ~ Sam H. Woolwine, Retired Chattanooga News-Free Press sports writer

About the Author:
Jerry H. Summers is a practicing attorney in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He has served as an assistant district attorney, criminal defense attorney, and personal injury and labor lawyer since he began the practice of law in 1966. He has argued cases before the United States and Tennessee Supreme Courts and has been involved in numerous landmark decisions in both civil and criminal law.
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